May 25, 2011
Subject: Clarification of Business Acquisition
To : The Director and Manager of The Stock Exchange of Thailand
As appeared in "POST TODAY" newspaper on May 24, 2011 about the Business Acquisition of Siam Gulf Petrochemical Co.,Ltd. Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited would like to clarify and inform the fact that the Company has initially negotiated for the acquisition with Siam Gulf Petrochemical Co.,Ltd. However, it is in the feasibility process and studying the detail of agreement decisions which are importantly based on the value of investment return and protection of the investors' interests.
To be informed
Yours Sincerely,
(Siraporn Krishnakan)
Assistant Managing Director
Investor Relations/Corporate Administration Office
E-mail : ir@rpcthai.com Tel 0-2515-8600 ext. 8626, 9017