Ref. RPC/HO-SET/ELCID-0011/10
May 12, 2010
Subject: Company Performance of 1Q10
Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
From global economics recovery, the world oil prices continue to rise during the first quarter this year from end of last year. Gas Oil prices in Singapore market increased 32 USD/BBL or 60% from average prices of 53 USD/BBL during first quarter last year to 85 USD/BBL this year.
Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries had a Net Profit of 78 million Baht in first quarter 2010 compared to 21 million Baht in same quarter 2009, an increase of 57 million Baht or 271%.
Total Sales Revenue for first quarter this year was 4,577 million Baht compared to 3,074 million Baht of the same period last year; an increase of 1,503 million Baht or 49%. The increases are partly caused by higher oil prices. And from same reasons, Cost of Sales for first quarter this year was also 1,436 million Baht or 49% higherthan the same period last year. Sales Volume slightly dropped to 183 million liters in the first quarter 2010 from 184 million liters of the same period last year.
Selling and Administrative Expenses and Executives Compensations for the first quarter of 2010 were 8 million Baht or 8% higher than the same period last year which was from Executive Compensation Expenses. Interest Expenses was 7 million Baht or 37% lower than the same period last year due to less Working Capital required and the decreases of Interest Rates on Short-Term Loans.
As of 31 March 2010, the Company and its subsidiaries hold Total Assets of 3,837 million Baht; Total Liabilities of 2,613 million Baht; and Shareholders Equity of 1,224 million Baht.
Please be so informed.
Sincerely Yours,
(Mrs. Siraporn Krishnakan)
Assistant to Managing Director
Investor Relations/Managing Director's Office
E-mail ir@rpcthai.com