- Translation -
13 January 2010
Re: Shareholder Participation in Proposing Agenda of Meeting and Nominating Candidate(s) for Director in the 2010 AGM
To: Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited ("RPC") would like to inform that for the purpose of encouraging good corporate governance and delivering support and opportunity for shareholder to participate the general meetings in greater extent, the Company is now opening opportunity for the shareholders to propose agenda for consideration in the general meetings, and to nominate candidate(s) for Director in the upcoming 2010 Annual General Meeting according to the Company's regulatory and processing criteria. Access for participations and relevant information are currently available at http://www.rpcthai.com until the deadline on 11 February 2010, after which the Company will proceed according to relevant procedures.
Yours Sincerely,
(Siraporn Krishnakan)
Assistant Managing Director
Investor Relations/Corporate Administration Office
Tel 0-2515-8600 Ext. 8623,9017