May 15th, 2006
Subject : Company Performance for 1st Quarter 2006
To : President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries would like
toclarify the 7.5 % or 9.24 Million Baht decrease in the Company s Net
Profit after Tax in 1st Quarter 2006 (1Q06) compared to 1st Quarter2005
(1Q05)The key factors that caused the decrease of Net Profit from 122.64
Million Baht in 1Q05 to 113.40 Million Baht in 1Q06 can be summarized
as follows:-
1. Plant s Turn Around
The company has the planned shutdown for turnaround maintenance
between March
12 to 30, 2006, due to the Aromatic (Thailand) PLC turnaround. This is
resulting todecrease in production volume 29 Million Liter, 16%, from 184
Million Liter in 1Q05 to 155 Million Liter in 1Q06
2. Increase of Export Volume
In the 1Q06, the company has 44 Million Liter of export volume or 21% of
total sale volume, increased 29 Million Liter or 193% compared to 15
Million Liter in 1Q05This due to the higher price of export product than
local product, therefore, the company managed to switch the production
mode for maximizing export volume.
3. Increase of Selling and Administration Expenditure
As regard the enlargement of the retail segment of the company and the
consequent increase in the number of PURE gas station, affect to 40
Million Baht or 50% increase in the Selling and Administration
Expenditure in 1Q06, from 79 Million Baht in 1Q05 to
119 Million Baht in 1Q06. Moreover, the company also had the foreign
exchange loss
and the increase in administration expenditure of the subsidiary company
in Vietnam these are resulting to increase in selling and administration
expenditure in 1Q06.
As a result, the company s net profit has decreased by 7.5% or
9.24 Million Baht in 1Q06 compared to 1Q05.
Please be so informed.
Sincerely Yours,
Mrs. Siraporn Krishnakan
Assistant to Managing Director