Subject : Clarification of Connected Transaction To : President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Rayong Purifier (Public) Co. (RPC) reported that in the Board of DirectorsMeeting No.6/2005 held on Wedsday 9th Novenber, 2005 the Board resolved to the connected transaction in financial statement as of September 30, 2005, the Company would like to inform details of this transaction as follows : 1. Transaction Date : September 01, 2005 2. The Parties involved Service recipient /Payer : SCT Sahaphan Co.,Ltd. (SAP) Service provider /Payee : Rayong Purifier Plc. (RPC) 3. General Characteristic of Transaction -Category of Transaction :Professional and Management service Fees 4. Detail of Services : Management services - Finance and Accounting, Human Resource, Marketing ,Information Technology 5. Value of Transaction : Baht 2,000,000 6. Term of payment : Cash 7. In Term of Related Party Basic : Above transaction was of volume overBaht 1Million but less than Baht 20 Million 8. Details of connecting persons and parties involved : Mr. Sumitr Chanmethee : Existing RPC's Director and SAP's Director Mrs. Siraporn Krishnakan : Existing RPC's Management and SAP's Director Ms. Kanokporn Jarukulvanich : Existing RPC's Management and SAP's Director 9. Benefits from this transaction Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited have knowledge, skilled, and experienced human resources to provide these services; moreover, these services generates additional income to the company, apart from normal business. 10. Opinions of the Company's Board of Directors and Audit Committee In the Board of Directors Meeting No. 6/2005 on November 9, 2005, the Board of Directors had approved this connected transaction.In this agenda, Mr.Sumit Chanmatee, Director who is the connected person, is abstaintion. In the Audit Committee meeting No. 4/2005 on November 9, 2005, the Audit Committee agreed with this connected transaction and considered that the service fee is reasonable in accordance with the work performed. The company hereby reports to the SET accordingly. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Siraporn Krishnakan Assistant to Managing Director Investor Relations / Managing Director Office Tel. 0-25158671 e-mail