Company Performance for 2Q05

BackAug 10, 2005

To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Rayong Purifier Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries would like to clarify the 29.28 % or 33.93 Million Baht increase in the Company's Net Profit after Tax in 2nd Quarter 2005 (2Q05) compared to 2nd Quarter2004 (2Q04). The key factors that caused the increase of Net Profit from 115.90 Million Baht in 2Q04 to 149.83 Million Baht in 2Q05 are summarized as follows:- 1. Increase of Sale Revenue The Sale Revenue in 2Q05 has been increased by 624 Million Baht or 23%, from 2,757 Million Baht in 2Q04 to 3,381 Million Baht in 2Q05 due to higher selling price which effect from the higher world oil price. The average Singapore Gas Oil price was increased by 22 USD/BBL, or 54% from 41 USD/BBL in 2Q04 to 63 USD/BBL in 2Q05. 2. Gross Profit Increase In 2Q05, the company has 293 Million Baht of Gross Profit, increased 25 Million Baht or 9% compared to 268 Million Baht in the same period of 2004. The increase due to inventory gain derived from the rise of world oil price, and the limited price competition climate due to the Controlled Diesel Oil Price Policy of the Government. 3. Decrease of Selling and Administrative Expenses There was 13 Million Baht or 14% decrease in the Selling and Administration Expenditure in 2Q05, from 94 Million Baht in 2Q04 to 81 Million Baht in 2Q05 due to the consolidation of transportation business operated by RPC's affiliate company in 2005. In 2005 transportation cost is the Cost of Goods Sold, instead of Selling and Administration Expenditure in 2004. As a result, the company's net profit has increased by 29.28% or 33.93 Million Baht in 2Q05 compared to 2Q04. Please be so informed. Sincerely Yours, Ms. Siraporn Krishnakan Assistant to Managing Director Investor Relations / Managing Director Office Tel 0 2515-8600 Ext.8671