General Information
Company Name : RPCG Public Company Limited (“the Company”)
Type of Business : Conducts business by holding shares in other companies (Holding Company). Currently investing in businesses: energy business and real estate business.
Head Office : 86/2 Sammakorn Place, Ramkhamhaeng Road, Saphansoong, Bangkok 10240
Registered Capital : 1,304,664,125 Baht
Ordinary shares : 1,304,664,125 Shares
Par value : 1 Baht
Paid registered capital : 1,304,664,125 Baht
Company Register No. : 0107546000202
  : Telephone No. : 02-372-3600
Factory : 7/3 Pakorn Songkrohrad Road, Tambol Map-ta-phut,
Amphur Muang-Rayong, Rayong Province 21150
  : Telephone No.: 038-685-816-9
Home page :

Securities Registration : Thailand Security Depository Co., Ltd.
Address : 93 Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
  : Telephone No. : 02-009-9000
  : Fax No. : 02-009-9991
Auditor : EY Office Company Limited
Address : 33rd Floor, Lake Ratchada Building, 193/136-137
Ratchadaphisek Road, Khlong Toei Subdistrict ,
Khlong Toei District, Bangkok 10110
  : Telephone No.: 02-264-0777
  : Fax No.: 02-264-0790